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Mid-Cities HR Association

MCHRA December 4, 2013 Meeting

  • December 04, 2013
  • 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Cacharel Restaurant & Grand Ballroom, Arlington, TX


**Registration Update**

All online reservation are due Monday prior to the meeting.  Online registration will be closed at that time.  Attendees  not registered online will be considered walk-in registrations and will be charged the guest rate of $35.

Cancellations -Members and guests who do not cancel at least 48 hours prior to the event day, will be charged for the cost of the event. 


Holiday Celeberation




  Come to our Holiday Celebration.  We will vote on and install the new board and network while we enjoy a lovely meal, play some games and have fun. 


Please bring a teddy bear.  We will be joining with the UT Arlington Student SHRM group  and other UT Arlington groups to collect teddy bears for children in a local hospital.  Our goal is to get to 1000 bears.  They will be given out on Christmas Day.  Last year we jointly collected 345 teddy bears. 


We hope to see you there. 




Cancellations -Members and guests who do not cancel at least 48 hours prior to the event day, will be charged for the cost of the event. 

© Copyright 2015 Mid-Cities Human Resource Association: PO Box 1104, Arlington, TX 76004
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